Searching for roots, longing for roots. But...what if you are not meant to have roots? Roots in the sense of being part of a large community that celebrates a certain flag, a certain passport. A certain language, a certain culture, a certain belief system. Therefore, does the lack of roots mean freedom?
#gamba #audioart #culturaldetachment
Even forcefully going into new directions and leaving the attachments behind might lead to the discovery of new places. And spaces...
#buchla #audioart #culturaldetachment
But this freedom makes the rootless lonely. As it seems, every society hangs on to its cultural identity so strongly, almost as if it was a safety net. Or means of control? And the individual has to fit in, needs to conform in order to be accepted...
#gamba #buchla #audioart #culturaldetachment
However, humans prefer to hold onto what they know. Is "multiculturalism" and "cultural exchange" maybe just a myth?
#gamba #buchla # audioart #culturaldetachment
And what is left, that might surprise you. Because one is more than just the accumulation of habits, belief systems, social structures, language...But those are an important part of us nonetheless.
#gamba #electromagnetism #audioart #culturaldetachment
It is this detachment that might be also the key for the creation of something new. Leaving all bias aside, stepping out of one's comfort zone.
#gamba #buchla #audioart #culturaldetachment
The key to freedom and unprejudiced coexistence might be first to detach, or at least to try, from your cultural identity. And see what is left?
#buchla #audioart #culturaldetachment